Yamamoto Ultra Whey Complex Chocolate 700G

Yamamoto® Nutrition Ultra Whey COMPLEX contains concentrated Volactive® Ultra Whey 80 whey proteins and Volactive® Ultra Whey XP isolate, by cross flow ultrafiltration and microfiltration, it DOES NOT contain collagen or other elements that alter the quality and VB of the product. Yamamoto® Nutrition Ultra Whey COMPLEX is a great tasting drink with over 23g of protein * derived from Volactive® Ultra Whey 80 concentrated whey protein and isolated by cross flow ultrafiltration and Volactive® Ultra Whey XP quality microfiltration. Ratio 50% isolated Volactive® Ultra Whey XP 50% concentrated Volactive® Ultra Whey 80. Ultra Whey COMPLEX DOES NOT CONTAIN among the ingredients listed on the label: palm oil, maltodextrin, xanthan gum, carrageenan or amino acids in free form. ONLY concentrated whey proteins isolated by cross-flow ultrafiltration and Volactive® Ultra Whey XP quality microfiltration. What are whey proteins isolated by cross-flow ultrafiltration and microfiltration? Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) is treated with special systems to remove greater amounts of fat and lactose. They have by definition an average protein content of 90%, but protein density can range from lows of 86-88% or higher. Microfiltration is the most expensive process among those used for the isolation of whey protein-based protein supplements, but it is also the one that is best able to preserve the integrity and presence of the bio-active protein fractions that determine the quality of the protein itself. The whey obtained in the first phase of processing by ultrafiltration is conveyed to an equipment which, using a system of membrane filters, proceeds to further progressive filtration through which other unwanted particles are eliminated, including minerals, lipids and lactose. The microfiltered proteins are 99% undenatured and retain all the important bio-active peptide fractions of undenatured whey. What are cocentrated whey proteins? WPC concentrated whey proteins are obtained through micro and ultrafiltration processes, which use physical filters to separate fat and lactose from the protein, without damaging it (the differences between the two are minimal and depend on the size of the filtration pores, about a micrometer large. in microfiltration and 4 times lower in ultrafiltration). In this way, a powder with a protein content (70-85%) is obtained. The first generation whey protein powders contained 30-40% protein and contained high amounts of lactose, fat and undenatured protein. Modern concentrates now contain up to 70-80% protein with reduced amounts of lactose and fat. Many people feel that a WPC is inherently inferior to an isolate. This is simply FALSE. Although WPCs contain fewer proteins than an isolate, a high-quality WPC contains all sorts of interesting compounds not found in isolates. Good concentrates contain much higher levels of growth factors, such as IGF-1, TGF-1, and TGF-2. They contain much higher levels of various phospholipids and various bioactive lipids, such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and often contain higher levels of immunoglobulins and lactoferrin. Many people unaware of the junk that alas the world of food supplementation is doing, think that having extra amino acids added to protein powders is a positive factor. The fact is that amino acids are not added to give a "plus" to the value of the product, but to alter the nitrogen value. Several amino acids such as taurine, arginine, and glycine have negligible costs and with little crafty companies by enhancing this value, technically give a boost to the protein value per serving. But it is the addition of individual amino acids, but the nitrogen value test takes into account this factor which actually increases ... without giving real added value but completely fictitious about the benefits and deceptive. Arginine has a high nitrogen content, more than the isolated protein itself. Clear? PROTEIN SPIKING served. Put simply, if you have 15 grams of isolated whey and add 5 grams of glycine, 20 grams of protein per serving for the "nitrogen test" will not be effective, but 15 real, complete, and 5 of a non-essential amino acid without adding particular benefit to muscle support but to the cost cutting of the manufacturing company. Always ask yourself why prices are so low. COSTA quality protein raw material. And not a little. Once again, before choosing, knowing how to read the labels. What does Volactive® certification and raw material mean? Volac® is a reference reality in the dairy production and zootechnical sector, as well as the largest producer of nutritional whey proteins for "Lifestyle" applications in Europe, which has earned the reputation of absolute innovator in technology production and development in the nutritional field. Volac®'s technical-scientific team draws on the company's forty-year heritage in whey processing and the use of cutting-edge ultrafiltration techniques. The Volactive® product range comes from the use of the most recent complex membrane and spray drying technologies that effectively stabilize the protein matter, minimizing the denaturation of the proteins themselves, thus providing the achievement of whey proteins with profiles highly superior nutritional values compared to other protein preparations obtained with other processing methods that compromise their stability.

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